Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New year.

Woah, I never write on this stupid blog. I should start. It kills time.
This years gunna be way better, it has purpose =D.
Odd, first text I've had this year/ first thing said to me this year was received at 12:00 am saying 'babe get the fuck out of town now.'
No idea what thats about.
Hmm I need a new years resolution but idk what I need to do.
I need to loose a wee bit of weight but that doesn't take the whole bloody year.
I need something that I can concentrate on and stick to.
I wana work on getting more freedom at home. but idk if that will ever happen.
I wana be less of a bitch but fuck how am I supposed to do that?? even if I don't say what ever out loud I'm still thinking it so does it really count??
I need to get a job this year. I hate bumming off people and never having enough money. Hmm Ive been writhing this for like an hour and 11 min, I keep get sidetracked. I need to pay more attention this year, speshally in school, I've slipped back way to much and I really wana make something of my life seen as unfortunatly I'm not immortal .

'Trust, you said
Who put the words in your head
Oh how wrong we were to think
That immortality meant never dying'

That was two years ago. last year passed and built on that. last year was for me to get over the previous year, I cant beleive it took a whole year though. But I passed him a while ago in town and we huggd and I relised how fine things were. They wern't awkward for us anymore. I can look at him and not feel like I'm dying inside. And it's way better then when we were fighting. But as I said last year was for me to get over all that and now that I'm fine with who I am, who I was, I can move on.
Things are pretty much amazing at the moment, Times are good, everything new for me has happenned arround this time so it's like what my new start for this year is going to build on.
Like I've cleaned out my whole room and thrown out all my junk which for me is a big effort and I've taken down all the familler from my walls that have been there since I moved into my room and for me its like stepping into a new world, and I get the nails taken out of my windows finally which havent been opened in over a year so I'm quite looking foward to it. And I'm trying to teach my self to talk better and my confidence is improving and I have Keifer now and he makes me smile heaps =D and idk maybe I'm just in a really good mood at the moment and tomorrow I'll proably be all fuck this, the new years awful and be all emo but maybe not, I hope not but I have good feelings for this year, hope they're fufilled.

'The only thing worse than not knowing
Is you thinking that I don't know'
I hate when people talk behind my back. It happens alot and i can hear people whispering about me. and I know there all keeping something from me. I hope that stops this year. It's the only thing thats gunna hold me back, it slows my confidence way down.

I guess thats all I've got to say, might go to bed now xp

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