Sunday, June 14, 2009


I hate being fucked around and not knowing what's happening, I know it's not your fault. People say you treat me like shit but I can't see it, it's making me depressed though, I'm not sure how long I can handle it for at all, I don't want to get bad again like last time, but at least when you're fucked you can only get better and then things always get really good for a while I hope.
Like idk, sometimes it feels like you don't care about me and all and i'm just ike fuck but I'm gonna do anything to keep you/ make you happy, even if I can only have you as a friend I need you to be happy, then I can be happy, but atm it feels like you don't even want me as a friend and like idk you know how I feel nd I hate not knowing you want, it makes things harder, I cannot deal with confusion. It's been a week since it happened. And I can already tell I'm gonna be fucked. This won't end well at all but I'm not sure if I can stop.

She puffs her lips on cigarettes and paces in the lobby
Silhouettes of pure white skin
A super in post-party
She is the string that holds your fate
The one that gets it started
So if you’ve got the balls to fight then put your mouth around it

Anorexic beauty queen with painted eyes so toxic
Flowers painted on her back, centerfold erotic
She’s had a gram, a shot, a slam, enough to start a riot
Everybody wants a piece
But only you're invited

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