Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So hold your head
Hold it up high
Here's to the friends that were alibis
Keep this close by your side
When I come home we will have our night
We will have our night

Five minutes after I posted my last blog and I'm writing a new one, but like I feel completely happy now. I told 4 people and they've all made me feel a lot better, Larissa by sending me 'Ben' emoticons, McKenzie by sending me happy lyrics, Rose by saying she loved me and that I was amazing, even though I don't agree but I it's still a nice compliment and Shannon just by talking to me.

It's annoying how my moods change quickly but I'm okay with it for now because I'm happy and my friends made me feel like I was not alone.

Ha you call it premature, I just call it ecstasy.

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